I accept no responsibility for any damage to your health caused by the misuse of this software. If it doesn't work, tough! If these images completley screw up your Web Site, chances are you are viewing the pages on a PC.
If you experience any problems, don't hesitate in blaming Bill Gates c/o Microsoft.
Use of these Images
You are free to include these images on any Web Site. You are also free to pass these images around, providing the contents of the Archive are complete, including this ReadMe file.
I have spent a long time collating these images and I would happy to recieve any Cash gifts. Of if you are tight fisted a link to my pages on your site would be most welcome.
These collections are just a small section of all the Animated GIF's I have collected. I have tried to include the most usefull and highest quality.
New1.GIF New burst bubble.
NewArrow.GIF Arrow saying new.
Peeper.GIF An eye looking through the page.
PlasBall.GIF Plasma Ball.
Search.GIF Magnifying Glass moving over the word Search.
Smwrld.GIF Little rotating Globe.
Tiger.GIF Cartoon Tiger.
Under2.GIF Under Constuction (large).
Under3.GIF Under Construction (small).
Under5.GIF Workman with a drill.
USFlag.GIF Flapping Stars and Stripes.
Welcome1.GIF Sparkling welcome sign.
Welcomer.GIF Welcome to the Internet sign.
James Stevens
E-Mail jamess@argonet.co.uk
Any Comments? Drop me a line, or fill in the Comments Form on my Web Site.